Vision / Missions / Goals / Strategies


“Create an innovative society, invent innovation, and drive a global economy.”
The Faculty of Commerce and Management focuses on developing human resources to create an innovative society, conduct research and develop management innovation in order to drive the economy and society towards sustainable development.


1. Develop high-skilled human resources to respond to national development.
2. Develop research and create management innovation in order to drive creative utilization.
3. Drive the economy and society towards sustainable development.


The expected outcomes and achievements in the next four years are as follows:
1. Prince of Songkla University (PSU) is one of the modern and leading management educational institutions that is nationally recognized.
2. The university develops educational programs in order to develop highly-skilled human resources at all ages
3. The university drives the economy and society towards the international level sustainably through research, technology, and innovation.
4. The university is a value-based organization based on modern management knowledge.
5. The university is financially stable.


Strategy 1: Developing a high-quality workforce to respond to national development
1.1 Produce highly-skilled graduates or manpower to respond to national development
1.2 Develop human resources potential at all stages of life

Strategy 2: Research and innovation for practical use

Strategy 3: Providing academic services that lead to sustainable economic and social evelopment

Strategy 4: Managing the Faculty of Commerce and Management towards a high-performance organization

Faculty emblem

A sailing ship is a symbol of trade and travel. The digital globe represents technological advancement and the internet system that allows us to communicate and trade with people worldwide more conveniently. There are more commercial activities which are suitable for a business in the digital age.


P = Professionalism

• Curiosity, seeking knowledge, and building social wisdom
• Accuracy, standards, and efficiency
• Commitment, dedication, and public consciousness
• Focus on learners

S = Social Responsibility

• Serving and guiding communities and societies
• Cultivating graduates to be efficient people with public consciousness and social responsibility

U = Unity

• Demonstrating a shared responsibility to work willingly, selflessly, and patiently in order to drive the organization forward.
• Driving the organization towards common goals.

M = Modern Management

• Management with modern tools to develop work systems utilizing technology

Core values:

• Community Insight & Engagement
• Modern Management & Creativity for Community

Corporate culture:

Our Soul is for the Benefit of Mankind.

The Faculty of Commerce and Management has the following administrative structure.

Bachelor of Business Administration program

– Tourism Management
– Business Information Technology
– Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management
– Marketing

Bachelor of Public Administration Program

– Public Administration

Bachelor of Arts program

– Business English

Bachelor of Accounting Program

– Accounting

Master of Business Administration program