Bachelor of Accountancy Program
Accountancy Program (The Revised Curriculum of 2021)
Degree Title: Bachelor of Accountancy
Degree Abbreviation: B.Acc. (Accountancy)

Chair of the Bachelor of Accountancy Program
+66-75-201700 ext. 52666
Our Accountancy program aims to produce graduates who are capable of applying technology to accounting and financial reporting in accordance with professional standards and relevant laws. They can design accounting information systems and present accounting information to support decision-making using accounting data. In addition, they can demonstrate management and leadership skills and work as a team, coordinate cooperation, and communicate effectively. Furthermore, they can learn independently, adapt to new situations, and continuously seek knowledge for self-improvement. Eventually, they can live their lives based on the principles of sufficiency economy, demonstrate morality and ethics, adhere to societal regulations, and possess a communal spirit.
Careers and Professional Advancement
Graduates who have completed their studies enter the accounting profession according to the Accounting Professions Act B.E. 2543 (2000) and the Accounting Professions Act B.E. 2547 (2004) and engage in other relevant professions, in both public and private sectors, as well as in independent professions. The fields of accounting professions are related to accounting, auditing, management accounting, taxation, accounting information systems, internal auditing, accounting education and technology, financial and accounting consulting, and other related areas.